Thursday, 2 August 2012

X-Men Days Of Future Past.

So the news of the new X-Men film plot is out and it will be based loosely on Chris Claremont's 1980 tale Days Of Future Past. How closely they will tie this in with the previous film, the actual story from the comics and the other aspects thrown in to help the film chug along for the audience I can't say but I can tell you what I think should happen to follow up First Class, arguably the best of the X-Men franchise.

This film should and probably will focus heavily on Kitty Pride as it is her story. I think they should crawl, beg, even promise the world to get Ellen Page to reprise her role as it would work perfectly and tie in with her tale, which I will only skim over in case you aren't familiar with this story and want to wait for the film. Page could really shine in this film as the focal point or the film and even though McAvoy and Fassbender are the real stars of this new franchise she could definitely help raise the bar even higher.
The next thing that needs to happen is Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin also known as Collossus. Not just because he is an amazing character that's bit part in X2 was nowhere near enough to satisfy my geekiness but mainly as Peter and Kitty's love for each other is in my eyes the best Comic love story of them all. Superman and Lois lane.. Lois LAME more like.
Spiderman and Mary Jane, Gwen Stacey, no Mary Jane, no Gwen.. Oh dear.
Kitty and Peter's love is deeper and ridden with heartbreak. This could be a brilliant tie in with how she would cope with the past version of him when she knows the future! (just a teeny weeny little spoiler)
I'm excited to see what role Magneto (Fassbender) will play in this with the White Queen (hopefully January Jones again) and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) as they all play a part in Days Of Future Past. Could we see a first line up of The Brotherhood or will we stay with The Hellfire club as the main adversaries.
It Will also be good to see the character development from friend to foe with McAvoy's Xavier and Fassbender's Magneto as their ideals about humankind and mutant kind become more and more conflicted. Charles' view for peace only being ruined by Eric's growing disdain for humans.
Will we also get to see the mutant hunting robot Sentinels designed to track and kill mutants? Surely five films in and no sentinels is something we need to address as they are a big part of X-Men history. Maybe some kind of lock down on the mansion as seen in The 198 after M-Day when the Scarlet Witch de-powered most of the worlds mutants. That would make for some epic scenes, all stuck inside looking out at the grounds surrounded by towering robots. Probably in the dark and rain. If not I'm sure we will get flash forwards of the Sentinel ran apocalyptic future at least.
I for one am just excited to see a film that doesn't revolve around some kind of machine in the top of a building or in a warehouse al la Avengers, Amazing Spiderman, Spiderman 2 etc etc etc! Or some kind of gas that needs some kind of antidote Batman Begins and The Amazing Spiderman AGAIN! How unoriginal could that plot of been! Yeah I'm still a bit bitter because the film had so much potential.
I know time travel has been done before but this is a story from 1980 and it WILL work and having read this again recently it's still fresh and many of the points regarding social commentary are still valid and relevant today. (that was a bit clever for me, I'll make a fart joke later to even out the universal balance)
If you aren't aware of the story and want to swot up before the film comes out Marvel do a pocket book of Days Of Future Past that you can pick up for £3.99. Not bad for one of my favourite X-Men writers (Chris Claremont) runs in a brilliant time for comics. If that's still a bit steep I'm sure a search on Amazon Marketplace could save you even more. Don't take my word for it take the man himself, hopefully this will get you excited for the film..

The future is history. The assassination of Senator Robert Kelly by mutant activists taught the world to fear and hate homo superior. It led to a chain I events culminating in a world ravages by a nuclear holocaust, where the survivors are ruled over by giant robotic sentinels. A world where humans alike are mere slaves. But what if this future could be changed? A handful of the X-Men's last surviving members hatch a plan to send Kitty Pryde's spirit back in time to inhhabit her own teenage body. Once in the past she must try to prevent the murder of Senator Kelly and stop the terrible events she has witnessed ever becoming a reality.
The future is history, the future is now.

Ok so who's excited? I sure as hell am.


  1. I'm choosing to remain calm as it's still about 2 years away.
    But I can't see it sticking that closely to the comic story. For a start First Class was set in the 60s so the horrible future setting could just be 2012. Oh and they'll never do sentinels.

  2. It does seem a long long way away. The horrible future shouldn't matter when it is because society is basically in ruins and run by sentinels, so hopefully we should at least get to see some sentinels even if it is only in the flash forwards.
    good call about the first class being set in the 60's though, maybe this decade will be the 70's, Magneto in Flairs anyone?

  3. Would love to see Magneto controlling hundreds of disco balls.
    Oh and Pete Wisdom and Kitty Pryde made a pretty good couple too.
