Monday, 5 August 2013

Mother/Daughter fashion must haves. Summer 2013

The age old question of matching outfits, do we, don't we? Has anyone ever pulled  this off without looking like the ghost of Primark past has thrown up some ill fitting out of date clothes all over two people?
Can it actually be done?

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Movie Marathon Night at the PCC. Arnie Vs Sly

I recently had the bright idea to delve into the world of movie marathons and decided to start with a nice easy one. Schwarzenegger vs. Stallone.
No brain cells needed. Just turn up, sit down and let the ridiculous explosions and Oscar worthy acting wash over me.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Late night musings. The Silver Surfer.

The Silver Surfer, now there's a guy I can relate to right now. He spends his life alone searching and scouring the universe for that special something and when he finds it another guy turns up and reaps all the benefits. Poor bastard.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Wolverine - from hero to mug.

For as long as I can remember I've loved Wolverine. The first comic I ever picked up was a Wolverine issue set in Japan he battled The Hand with a sword, speaking fluent Japanese and not even using his claws. I was hooked.