Thursday, 21 February 2013

Late night musings. The Silver Surfer.

The Silver Surfer, now there's a guy I can relate to right now. He spends his life alone searching and scouring the universe for that special something and when he finds it another guy turns up and reaps all the benefits. Poor bastard.

In a way he's just doing what we all have to do daily, go and do our job and if we do it well the person above us gets all the credit. Although in reality what Galactus has done is created the perfect employee. I'm not just talking about how he can surf through the sky on his silver surfboard although if I was hiring that guy would get the job no questions asked. I'm talking about how the Mr Surfey Pants just has to get on with it, he doesn't talk much, so office gossip's out of the window. He is seemingly emotionless and never moans about his job.. Well not at the start anyway a completely obedient and subordinate worker, shh lets not give them ideas.
Lets be honest if Galactus was real he'd run some kind of recruitment agency and send out a load of these guys and instead of being a massive villain he'd probably be the star of an awful load of tosh reality show like The Apprentice firing off people and destroying their planets for good measure.
Back to tin foil head, I mean he doesn't utter a word to anyone for ages and just the sight of this guy pretty much means you are all doomed to die. No ones ever happy to see this guy, right? That must take it's toll on you after a while, just casually travelling the universe, find a planet, have a gander, call in the big guy.. Game over. Next! Cor, take a night off, read a book, go dancing? Polish your shiny body perhaps.
Other than the fact he's responsible for mass genocide and the complete extinction of entire races he has still managed to retain the status of a hero and not a villain as he was under the influence of big old moody Galactus' mind control or whatever it was and that's pretty badass.

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