Sunday, 15 July 2012

The stag do part 2.

So I guess you already know that stag#3 didn't leave he just packed his stuff up and went and slept in his car, I'm currently in the car with him driving home and seemingly he's either forgotten about it or is too embarrassed to mention the meltdown. For the "activity" part if the day we went tank driving which involved dressing up in army boiler suits, hilarious for me as I'm a small man and got lost in the sleeve. Stick a helmet on top of us and throw us in the back of a massive tank and hey presto everyone almost threw up. As far as tank driving goes it wasn't as exciting as it sounds. You drive a tank around a field. Big whoop.

Throw in a nap in a room with a guy who wasn't talking to you at the time and we're ready to party again.
We made our way to a few bars until we ended up at a Wetherspoons, at this point everyone was beginning to lag a bit and that could of made for a really bad night so I forced shots on them, skittle bombs (Cointreau and monster) followed by about 5-6 sours, maybe a tequila, or a cheeky tequila said in best Danny Dyer esq voice, (it's a stag do!) and everyone was good to go again.
As cliche's go we soon arrived at the strip club, but I won't go into much detail about that, probably best for all concerned. Strange places strip clubs they change the most dominant man into either a bag of nerves or a complete and utter alpha version of every stereotypical tendency of The Lad.
We found a pub across the road from Oceana one of those massive super club type places and got in about four rounds of jaegerbombs and a desperado each. The barman was really nice and gave me six more free shots. Nice guy.
I don't know if you've ever been to Oceana but it's massive three floors and about 5 rooms. We ended up in the cheesy room obviously. This is going to sound really boring but we all got really drunk did some dancing, singing together and had a good time. No actual drama to report.
It was only a matter of time before one of us got accosted by a hen party and yep it was me. They had checklists. I pretty much filled out all of them, there was no way they where getting my best pants though. One of them asked me to marry her. I might of said yes, so I'm technically engaged to two girls. I've yet to break the news to my actual fiancé, I'm sure she'll be fine with it. We lost the stag, but he's well known for being a trap door and was probably a little nervous about something bad happening and he was probably right. Me and the only other of the stags I could find took the standard hour walk that should of taken 5 minutes back to the hotel. Bed awaited... If only it was that easy we arrived at the hotel at around half 3 and the bar was still open, so gradually we all turned up and carried on until half 5. I obviously didn't fare very well at the 9am breakfast. One slice of grapefruit that tasted dusty while another of the group ate three plates of full English, a bowl of muesli and a bowl of fruit. basically he ate my body weight for breakfast. I felt sick. Slap a Nurofen down with a swig of flat Budweiser to keep up the appearance of the best man legend and we were ready for home.
We've been in the car for bout half hour and my duties are over so I jumped in the back to let the other guy navigate, he got us lost on the second road. While using a sat-nav. I don't even know how that's possible.
And that brings us up to date, I'm sorry this instalment hasn't been as interesting as the last but thought it might give a bit more of an insight into the mystery of the stag do, I hope you enjoyed reading and normal service will resume shortly.
I promise to retire words such as banter, cheeky, pwoper norty moody geezer and all laddish behaviour for at least a month.
Thank you and goodnight.


  1. I wuv you ben. I have been GLUED to this. GLUED. Always helps when you know the players involved

    1. Good point, you have the advantage of being able to fit the pieces of the jigsaw together.

  2. Have been LOVING the Twitter updates ! Had no idea just how drama fueled stag dos could be. Excellent :D

    1. This wasn't even the worst one I've been on, no where near. Unfortunately I didn't have twitter then.

  3. sell me info on Stag #4
