Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The Amazing Spiderman the good and bad

Last night I managed to catch up with The Amazing Spiderman - the reboot that didn't really need to be made but was anyway here I'll run through my good and bad points I'll try to keep it spoiler free.
The good.
Andrew Garfield is already a better Spiderman than Tobey Maguire was, he's got the socially awkward lost for words as Peter Parker down brilliantly he also shows flashes of charisma that we never really got before with Maguire. As Spiderman his wise cracks sound just as I imagined them to be as a kid reading the comics his delivery of the one liners and his lanky expressions when suited up are hilarious.
Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey is brilliant and the chemistry between her and Garfield is easy to see, probably because it's real chemistry. I read they are still dating out in the real world (lucky boy)
The bad
Other than the lead roles everything else isn't so good. If this was the first Spiderman then I would be ranting about how brilliant it is. It isn't and it all feels samey, not a familiar feeling that sets us at ease more of a oh look it's Spiderman swinging on a web in front of the buildings, yep he's still swinging, oh for gods sake he could of walked it quicker. You know what would be good? a slow motion swing past the windows. Sheesh enough already.
If something's a reboot do we really need half the film to be an origins story? It all looked very slick but there's about half an hour of unnecessary build up. Just let the spider bite him already.
The Lizard. What can I say about the lizard? They've definitely helped him up his game I mentioned earlier about Spideys trademark wisecracks being spot on and in the Lizard we had a baddie who could of been ridiculed relentlessly while trying to grab spidey yet we only got a bit here and there. Another issue would be with the cgi. When The Lizard is speaking it already looks dated, growly, not in sync, definitely wont stand the test of time.
The music in this film really ruined it for me. Music can make a film but rarely does it break it. Unfortunately in this film the latter is true. It's like they've taken a music score from a cheesy 80's film and just played it over certain parts. Absolutely dire.
While I didn't hate this movie I didn't love it either there was some really good moments and Garfield makes a very convincing spidey but it just wasn't enough I left the cinema and felt a bit "meh"


  1. Hang on. Creeps out from under the rock I have obviously been living under.

    Spiderman ?


    As in remade? As in let's kick the arse out of the merchandising yeah?

    Gives up and waits for Jaws rejawed

    1. Jaws Rejawed.. that sounds amazing! there is a rebooted robocop and total recal but now I want Jaws Rejawed, Jaws wearing some kind of brace to correct his wonky front "bitey" tooth.
