Tuesday, 25 September 2012

My embarrassing life.

I thought I'd write a quick blog because I have nothing else to do, nothing! I hear you ask. Yes, nothing. Mainly because I went for a wee and forgot my swipe card at work and am now the only person in the building, trapped in the Corridor Of Doom(copyrighted already!) I have made the embarrassing phone call to get someone to come and release me from this idiotic situation and after much laughing they said around ten minutes, although in these situations I'm sure they leave you a bit longer just for a laugh.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Urban legends. The dead person fungus story.

We've all heard an urban legend or two right? Some of us has probably even seen that film a couple of times. Maybe even the second one (scraping the barrel a bit there though) I thought that now I'm an actual real life grown up that I wouldn't hear these anymore. I was wrong.
So heres the story, I was casually minding my own business at work eating my lunch when a woman in her late 40's that I work with started shouting "oh guys I forgot to tell you.."

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Incredible Sulk.

Today I woke up, jumped out of bed (crawled) and made myself an espresso. Packed my gear up and headed back into work. For those of you that don't know I'm on an "Olympic Rota" this pretty much means I have no life, work every weekend, get random days off. Needless to say my fragile mental state is teetering on the edge of full scaled spontaneous combustion taking everyone I work with to the grave with me. Deliberately.