Saturday, 15 September 2012

Urban legends. The dead person fungus story.

We've all heard an urban legend or two right? Some of us has probably even seen that film a couple of times. Maybe even the second one (scraping the barrel a bit there though) I thought that now I'm an actual real life grown up that I wouldn't hear these anymore. I was wrong.
So heres the story, I was casually minding my own business at work eating my lunch when a woman in her late 40's that I work with started shouting "oh guys I forgot to tell you.."

This is the classic dead person fungus story but slightly different and updated perhaps, it went like this..
"My hairdresser told me this story when I was getting my hair cut the other day, she said that her good friend had been on a trip to Amsterdam with her friends and they had gone out clubbing. Anyway they had a few drinks and she got talking to this guy, very well spoken and dressed nicely and they seemed to get on really well, they found a booth and had a few kisses here and there and he invited her back to his place, well! Her friend said you can't go back with him we are in a strange country and you don't know him, eventually she decided her friend was right and she took his business card and went back to the hotel.
So she finished her holiday and came home and after a few days she had this rash appear around her mouth so she went to the doctors and he took a swab. Well you are never going believe what happened next, CID and uniformed police came and kicked her door in, handcuffed her and took we to the police station! I know right! So it turns out that the rash is a fungus that you can only get from.... Dead bodies!"
Dun dun derrrrrrrrr!
At this point I felt it entirely necessary to but in and shout "that's an urban legend someone always knows someone, a friend of a friend that that has happened to!"
She looked at me square in the eye and serious as squidworth contemplating sacking Spongebob she stated "No, this is true I know the hairdresser very well, wait there's more!"
So I told her to continue with her story..
"So this woman (she did state a name but it was an eastern European name I can't remember) remembers she had his business card, so they get back back to hers and pick up the card and worked in partnership with Amsterdam police who went to this guys address and raided the place and you will never guess what they found... (the suspense was killing me here!) three dead bodies all women! The hairdresser said she was lucky she wasn't the fourth woman! I can't believe it, and Ben before you say anything this is a true story as the hairdresser told me the woman has had to be sectioned, she's gone mad! It's a horrible story!"
I decided to tell her the story that I'd been told by about 10 different people in my life about the girl who dates a boy who gets a rash *down there* and when she gets it checked out its guess what, it's a thing you can only get from dead bodies! Holy moly! On investigation by the police it turns out that the guy who she had been dating worked at a funeral parlour and was trying to put the "fun" into funeral with the bodies and picked up a nasty dead body type STD.
She looked at me for a bit and declared that I was being silly as that was a completely different story. Yes it is, but hers is just the scarier, updated and more socially relevant to us horror freaks who have been desensitised by all those minging films we watch.
It actually made me happy that there's people out there stupid enough to fall for this crap to keep urban legends alive! Have you heard any recently?
What's your favourite?
Dead body STD's. Brilliant.


  1. Ahh the good old dead body fungus myth, love it.

    I haven't heard any decent urban legends for ages and ages, my life sucks :(

    1. neither have I, that's what made it so hilarious, well that and the look she gave me while telling me it was a true story!

  2. Hahaha.... I heard the "dead body lice" version... Like necrophile crabs?

    1. really! that's brilliant, so many variations of this one story. I love how its gets a bit more twisted each time its told

  3. Hahaha.... I heard the "dead body lice" version... Like necrophile crabs?
