Tuesday, 25 September 2012

My embarrassing life.

I thought I'd write a quick blog because I have nothing else to do, nothing! I hear you ask. Yes, nothing. Mainly because I went for a wee and forgot my swipe card at work and am now the only person in the building, trapped in the Corridor Of Doom(copyrighted already!) I have made the embarrassing phone call to get someone to come and release me from this idiotic situation and after much laughing they said around ten minutes, although in these situations I'm sure they leave you a bit longer just for a laugh.

It got me thinking, this hasn't been a very good couple of weeks for me really in the luck department. I'm a sharer and thought I'd let you know about the other unlucky (bloody idiotic) things that have happened to me.
Last week I think it was I jumped on my bike at work and had to cycle to a job, I kicked up the stand, buttoned up my helmet and zoomed off like a budget Arnie from Terminator 1 (I need your high viz, your job specification shoes and your helmet, weeeee)
I glided down the hill with the sun warming my cheeks and the crisp air filling my lungs. As I reached the bottom of the hill the lights had turned red and so I moved a bit to the side, this was when it happened. Unbeknown to me I had cycled straight into to shitty bit where they sweep all the crap and as I came to a stop the front wheel began to slide a bit. Promptly followed by the second wheel this cause the whole bike to slide from under me and I fell onto all fours a là doggy style. I jumped up quick and got back on the bike. A nice man in a small van asked me if I was ok through teary eyes. I replied yes and tried not to make eye contact. At this point the traffic lights changed and all the cars driving passed me came through, I got lots of cheers and laughter. Which was nice, I feel happy that I had brightened up some commuters days. I decided best to chip off rather sharpish as I realised I had one of those irritating grazes on the palms of my hands and my knee felt a bit warm as well. I'd also managed to stab my calf with one of the pedals on the way down. Oh joyous joy.
Ah so the cavalry have arrived and let me back into the main office with some abuse. I decided to just take the abuse as I'm often pretty quick to dish it out and tell them it's character building. Something I was told regularly by my father: no heating - character building, sausage casserole, again - character building, a game boy with no games for my birthday and a month till Christmas.. You get the gist.
That wait in that hallway with no phone signal and nothing to do for half hour (10 minutes they said, I almost died of starvation) made me realise apart from walking into to bath last week forgetting to step up and into it and bruising my knees, getting yanked back like I'm being rewound after getting my bag caught on a gate and calling someone Steve for 6 years before finding out his name was.. Shit I still can't remember it! That I am a but of a div. Or am I? Does this stuff happen to everyone? I like to think it does. I hope you all fall over today xoxox

1 comment:

  1. I fell up the stairs (3 times) on Sunday.
    I dropped my dinner plate (with dinner on) so the dogs had a nommy dinner, on Saturday.
    2 weeks ago I slipped getting out the bath (as I do) and dislocated my left wrist, guess whose left handed... still went to work after that though and burnt myself with the iron. Have you ever tried folding and ironing sheets one handed? I don't recommend it.

    Hmm what else... OH! I poked myself in the eye with a pair of bent nose pliers whilst chain-mailling, about an hour ago.

    So I have bruised knees, a dodgy wrist and a black eye forming.

    So it isn't just you, it's me as well <3
