Friday, 29 June 2012

Criminal chic

This seasons must have accessory for both sexes is just in, hot off the press, drum roll please is... The ankle tag.
Seen just this very morning in a London park strolling around enjoying the scenery and summer warmth is one of the (possibly) criminal fraternity.
We adorn our wrists with watches, straps, bracelets some people even still choose to wear those disgusting charity rubber bands that look like they smell of sweat. Don't get me wrong I'm not anti charity I'm anti ugly.
The only next step in fashion evolution was to start expressing ourselves through our ankles. This particular fellow has decided to wear a "tag" brand under his sock, it's a very subtle look that shows that he is fashion conscious but probably also some kind of criminal, hard bastard, sociopath. Very fitting in London. Bravo sir.
Would you like to wear a extension of yourself on the smelly end of your leg? What would it be? I think I'd distance myself from the tag and go down the more hey I'm friendly but don't annoy me route by perhaps having a string draped with hanging earlobes collected from unfashionable heads.
A bit like a stylish Predator.
Thinking ahead where can we go next with criminal chic? Perhaps a streamlined fitted orange boiler suit or bracelets that look like broken handcuffs? Maybe even the next big tattoo craze could be a prison number on the wrist, you may laugh but I bet some of you have got Japanese writing, tweetypie, barbed wire or a tribal one!
I'm not judging your tattoos here I've got a shark that looks like a dolphin, funny story about that (it's not)
So if you get arrested this year take a look around the prison for fashion tips and you too can be part of the fashionable convict community.

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