Monday, 25 June 2012

Comedy Clothes

Do you or your partner own a slogan related t-shirt that has a hilarious line like "I fear no beer" or "body of a god, shame it's Buddah"? You do? Do you ever wear this outside the comforts of your own home? You do!? Walk to the nearest bridge and look down into the water and think about your life.
This is NOT acceptable.
My friend recently told me "I'm a bit fat now so I can't do fashion" excuse me, what? I'm a bit short does that stop me buying porn? I coaxed him away from his favourite "To the Pub" top and directed him towards more suitable clothes. It wasn't easy but we got there eventually. I felt like a regular Gok Wan, it's all about the confidence, man breasticles etc etc etc
Has anyone in the last five years looked at one of these tops and thought now that's some funny shit! Yeah to be fair they probably have but that's not the point they are wrong and I am right. Some might be funny but let's try to be funny with our mouth holes rather than out clothes.
I'm not saying I don't own mediocre clothes I've got a fair few superhero t-shirts but they don't make public appearances unless under something much more chic, I'm not even sure that's acceptable.
I will clean up London's badly dressed if it kills me, step by step.

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