Monday, 25 June 2012

Grammar Police

Right, let's get ranty about stuff. Yes already. I think I'm fairly decent at spelling, I win 90% of my words with friends games and I do done spell all them words good. Some of my friends are rubbish at spelling and for those friends I will never, ever correct them. We are grown ups and I find it condescending and rude for no reason. I do have a certain friend who once felt the need to tell me that I had misused "your" and it should of been"you're" I can hear groaning already. problem being I thought you smug git and now watch every word he postson Facebook, twitter or texts me and happily correct him, the two bob. That's still fine we are both consenting adults in mutual spelling relationship war.
The thing that gets me is when someone I think is a dimlo does it. Self appointed Grammar police who can barely use a pen to scribble a name but gets behind a keyboard with a grammar and spell check button and thinks that they are an English teacher.
Let's face it these people obviously have no joy in their lives if they get that frustrated and can't just ignore a bit of bad spelling. I spend my whole life ignoring badly dressed people. I would love to spend my time going up to them screaming about double denim or tracksuits on grownups that aren't on route to the gym, but apparently that counts as some kind of harassment (and is frowned upon by the others on the tube).
Chances are you have done this as well, Don't worry I don't hate you. One drunk moment when I saw someone had called a friend "you are an prick" probably on Facebook I realised it wasn't annoying at all it was brilliant, I was the guy who could ignore these things. Kind of like a superhero, I was, I am like a real life hero. I then fell asleep face down on thefloor hugging my kebab like it was the love of my life. Later waking up with a hand that smelt of garlic sauce and red cabbage and a brain swollen to twice the size that couldn't be used half as much.
If you are scouring this now for some kind of spelling orgrammar mistake YOU are who I am talking about, YOU are the problem, to put it eloquently "your A idiot"


  1. I put my hands up, I do correct people.
    Worst one ever is loose and lose, arghhh! You lose something it means you can't find it, you loose something it means you loosen it. This mistake drives me nuttier than fruitcake.

    Love the blog by the way honeybee xo

    1. I no what you mean their are some right numpties out there using all kinds of grammar mistakes. Makes me loose it sometimes as well.

  2. I used to win Spelling Bees in school and now that I'm older it has all kinds gone to hell. Still it does not keep me from writing not one but two blogs. To those that catch my spelling/grammar mistakes I say:
    "Thank you and remember English is my second language. How many do you speak, read and write fluently?"
    That usually shuts them up.
