Monday, 25 June 2012

I'm moving to New York..

..Because I've got problems with my sleep.
Here's my issue it's half past six and I've been up since half four. I managed to go to bed around midnight last night and had about 3-4 hours sleep before I woke up. This is a regular occurrence, my bed that I love so so much becomes a prison of rolling from one side to the next, on my back, on my front to no avail.
So far I've done two lots of washing up and re-arranged my cupboard (and it now looks bloody brilliant!)
Thing is I've tried everything and am getting a bit desperate, valerian tea, Nytol, meditation, jogging. Nothing seems to work. Have you had trouble sleeping and know about a super cure? Please let me know, I'm so tired on the other hand I do like a neat and organised kitchen.
Maybe I should just capitalise on this and take a night job and see how long it takes before I suffer burnout and sleep the good sleep a la Fight Club style. Oh wait he had a break down.. I think I might be having one anyway it's just a very tidy one.


  1. Ben has a blog...yay ! On a more frustrating note, I empathise with you here, having slept no more than 5 hours a night all my life.

    Before I hit my mid 20s this wasn't really a problem, it just meant I had tons of time to lead a very busy and active life. As I get older though I spend more and more days feeling sleepy.

    Diet and exercise only do so much, I've kinda resigned myself to the fact my body just isn't very good at sleeping.

    PS. I tidy too !

  2. Not just that, someone reads them as well! double yay!
    Tidying might make the place look good but it doesn't feel right sorting out a food cupboard at five in the morning!
    The afternoon slump is the worst I find from around 2-5 that's when I hit a wall.
    I'm off down Holland and Barratts when they open and I'm going to ask them to give me everything they've got, as well as all of the teas
