Monday, 25 June 2012

Where it all started.

Afternoon! I recently did a guest post on a friend of mine's blog and its given me the kick I needed to actually start a blog myself. I've written for a couple of websites here and there before but nothing like this so I thought best to put this one out first, where it all started. I shall immediately get on with writing something else, I just hope its as well received.
Hello Big Fashionista followers, for some unknown reason she has decided to sod off somewhere and leave me in charge. I've already broken stuff, please don't tell her.
Two lines in and I'm struggling. I'm not an actual blogger you see, I've flirted with the idea a few times but to actually sit down and write something. AND for The Big F, the queen of twitter. Oh dear.
Ok, here goes. I painted a toenail. Just the one with some of this BarryM magnetic nail polish to see what all the fuss was about. I tlooked awesome and I was genuinely excited but then I realised I'm almost 30 and this was not the way grown up men acted. I say I realised, someone at work saw it and called me strange (that happens a lot) and alas my days as a beauty blogger were over before they had even begun. This saddened me as I was all ready for guyliner and manscara galore and unleashing my inner princess.
Yeah, yeah I'm losing you and what you really want to hear me talk about is comics, football and whisky yeah? I'm joking obviously. I'm here to talk about crimes of fashion. I seem to have noticed recently that people are becoming increasingly nice about bad fashion choices and just passing it off as individuality.
I'm all for individuality in your fashion choices but there are certain rules, certain rules you should adhere to! (I'm imagining myself in a Scream movie but about fashion.) I walk around and am just constantly disappointed. From the midweek suits wearing running shoes on the tube to the African print T-shirts that seem to be cropping up on the floppy haired JoeyEssex clones.Yes when the sun has come out I agree we should all take off as many clothes as we can all legally get away with. Although when you team shorts with a tucked in Polo shirt and a pair of patent leather shoes with no socks I find it hard not to drag you by your ears to the local euthanasia clinic and administer the injection myself. Twice. Just in case. Least the rain has forced them to hibernate, for now.
Ladies I'm not letting you get away with it either, I thought these monstrosities had gone away but recently saw an unwelcome return.Firstly velour tracksuits (someone tweeted earlier this week "camelcalled, it wants its toe back"), second are wonky Uggs (let's wait for the real shuffling Zombie Apocalypse, it's coming) and this will probably go down like a lead balloon remember its only my opinion though and in no way endorsedby Big Fashionista. Fucking Birkenstocks. YUK! Fashion should NOT becomfortable.
On that sweary bombshell I'll apologise for my foul languageand ranty behaviour and thank you all for listening to me. Normal service willresume shortly. Remember if you see someone dressed badly it is your DUTY to inform them politely, (as politeness is free) Thus helping the world be abetter dressed place. Oh and if you see me dressed badly. Shoot me.
Benny (angry fashionista?)

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